There are several movies that perfectly capture the feelings that come along with New Year’s Eve, from finding the right person to kiss at midnight to celebrating with loved ones.
In 2008’s Sex and the City, Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) goes to bed early on New Year’s Eve. Meanwhile, Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) is in Brooklyn all alone and she calls Carrie, who arrives at her place just in time for midnight.
“The idea of being single on New Year’s Eve has always been treacherous for everybody,” director Michael Patrick King, told Entertainment Weekly in 2020. “There’s something about that bullseye of midnight that makes almost an imperative that you check in with yourself. You’re supposed to be in love at midnight. You’re supposed to be in a couple. Which is why it’s so great for Sex and the City, because anytime we could underline what society says vs. the reality of where people are was always powerful.”
Parker also loved the scene, telling EW, “I loved it because it wasn’t about words, it was just about this desperate need to connect to somebody that actually matters to you.”
Scroll down to see more New Year’s Eve movies:
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