Rainfall in Several Regions:
- Rainfall is expected in multiple parts of Kenya, including:
- Highlands East and West of the Rift Valley.
- The Lake Victoria Basin.
- Nairobi
- The Rift Valley.
- North-western and North-eastern Kenya.
2. Strong Winds in North-eastern and North-western Kenya:
- Strong winds are expected in some areas of North-eastern and North-western Kenya during the forecast period from October 14 to October 18.
3. Rain Expectations in Specific Counties:
- Various counties will experience rain at different times:
- Mornings: Siaya, Kisumu, Homabay, Migori, Kisii, Nyamira, and more.
- Afternoons and Nights: Same counties mentioned above will have showers and thunderstorms.
4. Temperature Ranges:
- Daytime maximum temperatures may reach as high as 29°C during the day.
- Nighttime minimum temperatures could drop as low as 10°C.
5. Specific Regional Forecasts:
- The forecast provides specific weather expectations for various regions, such as the Highlands East of the Rift Valley, North-eastern counties, South-eastern lowlands, and Coast counties.
- These regions will experience a mix of morning rains, afternoon showers, sunny intervals, and partly cloudy nights.
6. Different Maximum Temperatures:
- Maximum temperatures during the forecast period will vary, with some regions reaching 35°C during the day and others staying around 29°C.
7. Information Sources:
- The Director of Meteorological Services, David Gikungu, emphasizes the use of this forecast in conjunction with daily (24-hour) forecasts.
- County-specific forecasts are available from the respective County Directors of Meteorology.
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