The Best LogBook Loan Providers 2024

Loan ProviderLoan AmountLoan PeriodInterest RateTotal Cost (per month)
Umba Logbook LoanUp to 50%3 months – 2 years3%3.18% – 4.42%
Platinum Credit LtdUp to 60%3 months – 2 years4%4.19% – 5.46%
Mogo Logbook LoanUp to 75%6 months – 5 years2.5%2.8% – 4.6%
Momentum CreditUp to 60%3 months – 2 years4%4.36% – 7.65%
Watu Gari Logbook LoanUp to 50%3 months – 2 years3.5%3.53% – 5.17%
Jijenge Credit LtdUp to 80%1 month – 2 years3.5%6.75% – 12.5%
Hakki Car FinanceUp to 50%3 months – 2 years3.1%3.18% – 4.77%
Ngao Credit AutoUp to 60%3 months – 2 years3.5%3.6% – 7.5% (+ Ksh6,000 fee)
Izwe Logbook LoanUp to 75%6 months – 18 months3.5%3.7% – 5.17%
Mwananchi CreditUp to 60%3 months – 2 years3% – 6%3.79% – 12.33%

Considerations before taking a logbook loan

  1. Purpose: Consider why you need the money before choosing a logbook loan.
  2. Upfront Fees: Some lenders charge fees before giving the loan, affecting the total cost. Compare fee structures.
  3. Vehicle Value: Loan amount depends on a percentage of the vehicle’s Forced Sale Value (FSV).
  4. Repayment Period: Lenders usually set the repayment terms. Be clear on the payment frequency.
  5. Penalties: Missing payments or quick repayment without discussion can lead to penalties. Understand these consequences beforehand.

fees associated with logbook loans

  1. Processing Fee: Typically 2.5% or more, varies by lender.
  2. Valuation: Paid upfront before loan approval; non-refundable if the loan isn’t approved.
  3. Logbook Search + Discharge: Associated fees for NTSA search and transfer.
  4. Car Tracker: Must be installed at the borrower’s cost.
  5. Comprehensive Insurance: Necessary if your car only has basic third-party insurance; you’ll need comprehensive cover for a logbook loan qualification.

These are common fees, but some lenders may have extra charges like legal fees.

FAQS on logbook loans


  • Logbook loans are available for car owners, including private, commercial, or passenger service vehicles, depending on the lender’s criteria.

Application Requirements:

  • You need to provide your logbook and registration documents to prove ownership and undergo a vehicle valuation.
  • Personal details like income, address, CRB standing, pay slips, and bank statements might be necessary.

Qualification Criteria:

  • Generally, eligibility involves being over 18, owning the vehicle with your name on the logbook, no outstanding finance, comprehensive insurance, roadworthy and reasonably maintained car.

Loan Amount:

  • Varies between Ksh50,000 to Ksh25 million, determined by your car’s Forced Sale Value.
  • Usually, you can borrow 50% to 80% of your vehicle’s value, more for newer cars.

Disbursement Timeframe:

  • Ranges from 6 hours to several days, depending on the lender.

Interest Rates:

  • Typically between 1.6% to 10% per month.

Associated Costs:

  • Common fees include processing fees, valuation, NTSA discharge, car tracker, and comprehensive insurance if lacking.
  • Some lenders may have additional fees like legal charges, CRB fees, application fees, or bank disbursement fees.

Repayment Period and Plan:

  • Repayment periods span from one to 60 months, mostly on a monthly basis, decided mutually by the borrower and lender.

Car Usage:

  • You can continue using your car as usual but are responsible for its insurance and maintenance.

Default Consequences:

  • Communicate with your lender if facing financial difficulty to arrange an extension or repayment plan.
  • If you fail to respond or make repayments, the lender may start the car repossession process after a grace period.
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