How do Snapstreaks work and when do they expire?

What does the 🔥 emoji mean?

When you and your friends Snap back and forth with each other at least once a day, every day, you’re on a Snapstreak! Once you’ve kept it up for a few days, you’ll see a 🔥 emoji on the Chat screen.

What does the number next to the 🔥 emoji mean?

The number next to the 🔥 emoji shows how many days old your Snapstreak is. For example, 3 🔥 means that Snapstreak is 3 days old.

How do I keep my Snapstreak alive?

Keep sending photo or video Snaps back and forth every day with your friends, and your Snapstreaks will keep growing.

When do Snapstreaks expire?

If you see an ⌛️ emoji next to the Chat (for example: 3 🔥⌛️), your Snapstreak is about to expire! To keep the Streak going, make sure you and your friends each send each other a photo or video Snap ASAP.

Why did I lose my Snapstreak?

To keep your Snapstreak going, each and every person involved needs to send a photo or video Snap in the chat every day. If your Streak expired, then more than a day passed without a new Snap from everyone in the Chat.

Can I get my lost Snapstreak back?

Yes – but for a limited time only. Look for the Restore Button.png badge to tell if your Snapstreak can be restored. For more information, see here.

I lost my Snapstreak. How do I restore it?

How can I get my Snapstreak back?

First, check if your Snapstreak is eligible to be restored. Look for a ‘🔥 Restore‘ badge next to the Chat that was on a Snapstreak. If you see it, tap ‘Restore’ and follow the instructions in the app to get your Streak back.

If you don’t see the ‘🔥 Restore‘ badge, your Snapstreak cannot be restored. This usually means it ended too long ago to bring back.

I tried to restore my Snapstreak in the app, but it didn’t work.

Fill out this form and we’ll review your request. Please note that only recently expired Snapstreaks can be restored.

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