How to write an application letter

Purpose of Application LetterThis is the core purpose of an application letter: – It serves as an introduction when applying for a job. – It accompanies your resume or CV, providing a personalized touch. – It allows you to customize your application for a specific job by highlighting relevant details.
Contents of Application LetterThe key elements included in an application letter: – Contact information (name, address, phone, email) for easy identification. – Mentioning the specific position you’re applying for to indicate clarity. – Highlighting your qualifications, skills, and experiences relevant to the job. – Expressing genuine enthusiasm for the job and the company to show your interest.
Importance of CustomizationCustomization is crucial for: – Tailoring the letter to the job’s specific requirements mentioned in the posting. – Addressing qualifications and skills emphasized in the job description.
ProfessionalismMaintaining professionalism by: – Ensuring proper formatting and using correct grammar. – Demonstrating effective communication skills through clarity and coherence.
Stand OutStand out from other applicants by: – Providing more comprehensive information than the resume. – Demonstrating how your qualifications meet the job’s requirements effectively.
Express InterestExpressing your genuine interest is vital: – Convey enthusiasm about the job opportunity to make a positive impression. – Explain why you specifically want to work for the company, showcasing your motivation.
Request for ConsiderationRequesting consideration and an interview politely: – Politely ask for an interview, indicating your eagerness. – Express a desire to discuss your qualifications in more detail, highlighting your proactive approach.
Addressing Unique CircumstancesAddressing special circumstances such as employment gaps or career changes: – Use the letter to explain these situations in a professional and transparent manner.
Personalized IntroductionCreating a positive first impression: – Craft an engaging introduction to capture the employer’s attention immediately.
Emphasize Your SuitabilityHighlighting your suitability for the job: – Showcase relevant skills and experiences that align with the job requirements.
Complements ResumeProviding a more in-depth view of your qualifications: – Offer additional, personalized details that complement the information on your resume.
Leave a Lasting ImpressionMaking a strong case for your candidacy: – Convey why you are the best candidate for the job, leaving a memorable impression on the employer.
this table breaks down the application letter

These simple points outline the key sections of a job application letter, making it easier to understand and follow the structure.:

1. Your Name and Contact Information:

  • Your full name
  • Contact number
  • Email address
  • Residential address
  • Job title you’re applying for

2. Date:

  • Mention the date of sending the application, not when you began writing it

3. Employer’s Name and Address:

  • Hiring manager’s name
  • Manager’s position
  • Company name
  • Complete company address

4. Salutation and Employer’s Name:

  • Start with “Dear”
  • Add proper salutation (Mr./Ms.)
  • Include the hiring manager’s name

5. Opening Paragraph with Introduction:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Mention how you found out about the job
  • Specify your interest in the job role

6. First Body Paragraph with Skills and Qualifications:

  • Describe your distinct skills and qualifications
  • Highlight your professional achievements
  • This section focuses on your key skills

7. Second Body Paragraph:

  • Explain why you are a suitable candidate for the job
  • Express how you can benefit the company
  • Show your eagerness and interest in the company

8. Closing Paragraph with a Call-to-Action (CTA):

  • End with a CTA statement
  • Encourage the recruiter to consider your application
  • Express a desire for further discussions

9. Signing Off with Your Signature:

  • Conclude the letter professionally
  • Use “Sincerely” followed by your signature
  • Optionally, write “Enclosure” followed by your name and links to attached documents

Here’s a step-by-step checklist to ensure your cover letter is well-edited and free of errors:

  1. Read It Aloud: Reading your cover letter aloud can help you catch awkward phrasing, grammatical errors, and overall flow issues.
  2. Check for Spelling and Grammar: Use spelling and grammar checking tools, like spell check in your word processing software or online tools like Grammarly, to catch any mistakes.
  3. Punctuation: Ensure that all punctuation marks are used correctly, and look out for issues like missing or unnecessary commas, periods, and apostrophes.
  4. Consistency: Maintain consistency in the use of verb tenses, formatting, and overall style throughout your cover letter.
  5. Clarity: Make sure your sentences and paragraphs are clear and concise, avoiding overly complex sentences or unclear phrasing.
  6. Avoid Jargon: Don’t use industry-specific jargon or acronyms unless you’re sure the reader will understand them.
  7. Tense Usage: Be consistent with your verb tenses. If you’re currently employed, use present tense. For past positions, use past tense.
  8. Names and Titles: Double-check the spelling of names, titles, and company names. Ensure that you’re addressing the recipient correctly.
  9. Remove Redundancy: Eliminate any repetitive or redundant statements and make sure that your cover letter is concise.
  10. Formatting: Ensure that your formatting is consistent, including fonts, headings, and bullet points.
  11. Final Review: Give your cover letter one last review to ensure it addresses the specific job you’re applying for and provides a compelling case for why you’re a suitable candidate.
  12. Peer Review: If possible, ask a friend, family member, or colleague to review your cover letter. Fresh eyes may catch errors you missed.
  13. Customize for Each Job: Finally, remember to customize your cover letter for each job application by addressing the specific requirements and qualifications mentioned in the job posting.

The Differences between an Application Letter and a Cover Letter:

AspectApplication LetterCover Letter
DefinitionA well-drafted document explaining the applicant’s qualifications, skills, and why the applicant is the best fit for the job role.A short, precise introduction to the applicant’s qualifications and skills aimed at urging the employer to read the applicant’s resume.
Why it is usedUsed to explain skills, experiences, and even reasons for employment gaps.Provides limited information about the applicant.
Where it is usedUsed to gain an employer’s attention for a specific job role, even if no vacancies exist, allowing for consideration in future opportunities.Attached when applying for an open job role. An application letter can also be used for a specific job position, even when no hiring process is ongoing.
LengthTypically 1 page.Typically 2 pages.
the difference between application and cover letter
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