How to “Update Token Meter Yako” from Kenya Power

Understanding the Update Token Meter Yako

The “Update Token Meter Yako” is a meter software update process aimed at safeguarding your customer vending experience. Kenya Power is updating all prepaid meters before the global deadline to ensure they continue to function properly.

1. What is Update Token Meter Yako?

Update Token Meter Yako is an exercise targeting all prepaid meters. It involves using a unique code to update each prepaid meter’s software, ensuring the units are safe and preventing replication in the system.

2. Why is Update Token Meter Yako Necessary?

This update prevents service disruptions by resetting the software in prepaid meters.

3. What Types of Meters are Affected?

All prepaid electricity meters are affected.

4. What Happens During Update Token Meter Yako?

Customers will receive two 20-digit codes via SMS from Kenya Power. Enter these codes in sequence to update the meter’s software.

5. How Can I Prepare for Update Token Meter Yako?

Use up all old, unused electricity tokens before entering the update codes.

6. How Will I Know if the Update is Successful?

Your meter will accept new electricity tokens after a successful update.

7. How Much Does it Cost to Update My Meter?

The update process is free of charge.

8. Will the Update Affect the Cost of Electricity Tokens?

No, the update only affects the meter’s software and not the electricity tariff.

9. What Happens if I Don’t Update My Meter?

The meter will not accept new tokens if it isn’t updated.

10. When is the Deadline for Update Token Meter Yako?

The deadline is August 31st, 2024.

11. What Happens After the Deadline?

Meters that are not updated will not accept new tokens.

Important Note: Load any previously purchased tokens before starting the update process, as they will not be loaded afterward.

12. What if You Have Multiple Meters?

Each meter will receive reset and update codes on the next token purchase. Enter the codes just like regular tokens.

13. What If the Meter is Not in Your Name?

The codes will be sent to the person purchasing the tokens, regardless of whose name the meter is in.

14. What If the Number to be Sent the Code is No Longer in Use?

The codes will be sent to the number used to purchase tokens.

15. What If Your CIU is Faulty?

Load the reset and update codes as you would regular tokens.

16. What If You Load a Token and it is Rejected?

A token may be rejected if:

  • Key Code Tokens (KCTs) are not entered in the correct sequence.
  • Previous KCTs were not entered before a second purchase.
  • The meter has already received reset and update codes but hasn’t been updated.
  • Incorrect token number digits were entered.


  • The meter update process is free of charge.
  • Load all previously bought tokens before updating.
  • For assistance, call 97771.

Remember, updating your meter is essential for continued service and it is free of charge.

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