Best SACCOS to Join in Kenya 2024

Sacco NameDescriptionContactWebsite
Amica Sacco– Started in 1966 by coffee farmers in Muranga – Rebranded in 2016 as Amica Savings & Credit – Offers mobile banking, Sacco agency, Visa card, cheque books, pay bills, and money transfer services – Provides loans at 10x savings with interest as low as 1% per
Stima Sacco– Countrywide licensed deposit-taking Sacco – Offers development loans, asset financing, biashara loans, and mortgages – Branches in Nairobi, Kisumu, Eldoret, Nakuru, Embu, and Mombasa-0703024001
Mwalimu National Sacco– Largest African Sacco for teachers – Offers business loans, welfare services, BOSA, and FOSA products – Exclusive to teachers and TSC employees0709898000
Hazina Sacco– Nationwide Sacco for thrift and savings – Membership from government ministries, parastatals, county governments, and private sector0712149631
Harambee Sacco Society– Membership from national government, county government, government bodies, Kenya Defence Forces, National Police Service, National Youth Service, and private sector0709943000
United Nations Sacco– Asset base of Kshs. 12 billion – Offers various financial products and loan services – Membership requires a fee of Kshs 1,000, share capital of Kshs 50,000, and monthly contributions of not less than Kshs 2,3000709115800
Kenya Police Sacco– Asset base of Kshs. 30 billion and loan portfolio of Kshs. 26 billion – Draws membership from serving and retired police officers, civil service, business community, and corporate entities0709825560
Unaitas Sacco– Deposit-taking Sacco licensed under the Sacco Societies Act, 2012 – Offers various saving and loan products0709253000
Kenya Medical Assoc. Sacco– Asset base of 3.655 billion – Major financier for medical practitioners in Kenya0722519037
Kenya Bankers Sacco– Initially for banking industry employees, now for banks, financial institutions, chamas, and other institutions07205146500

Investment SACCOS in Kenya

Sacco NameDescriptionContactWebsite
Unaitas Sacco Ltd KenyaProvides savings and loan products.
Kenya Police SACCORegistered in 1972, grown to 40,101 members, undertakes corporate social responsibility programmes.
Stima SACCOLicensed deposit-taking Sacco since 1974, introduces FOSA for banking services.
Waumini Sacco SocietyRegistered in 1980, draws membership from Catholic organizations, currently has over 9,500 members.0709052000
K-Unity SaccoEstablished in 1974 to facilitate savings and credit facilities for Dairy & Pyrethrum societies within Kiambu.00707424774
Hazina SACCOEstablished in 1971, draws members from various Government Ministries, Parastatals, and the Private Sector.
Maisha Bora SACCOLocated in Kariba, Nairobi, offers financial services.0709446000
Harambee SACCOFormed in 1970, now a multi-billion institution.
Imarika SACCORegistered in 1974, serves 38,000 members with branches in various districts.0726007037
Kuscco SaccoAdvocates for a conducive business environment for Saccos.0111027203
Mhasibu Sacco SocietyServes members engaged in the accounting profession.0205141900
Mwalimu SaccoFormed in 1974, mobilizes savings and provides credit to its members.
United Nations SaccoProvides savings and borrowing facilities for UN employees.
Afya Sacco Society LtdRegistered in 1971, with over 38,000 members.0202223959
Chai SaccoRegistered in 1973, now offers FOSA and operates in Nairobi and Litein.0709808000
Ufanisi Sacco SocietyRegistered in 1973, initially for Agricultural Finance Corporation employees.0712690660/0738690660
Metropolitan Teachers SaccoMobilizes savings for productive and provident products.0709641000
Kimisitu SaccoFormed in 1985 by ICRAF staff, promotes thrift among its members.0709136000
Kenya Bankers SaccoRegistered in 1975, mobilizes savings for affordable credit at affordable interest rates.
Kenya Medical Association SaccoFor all medical and dental practitioners registered in Kenya.

Types of Registered SACCOS in Kenya

Type of SaccoDescription
Diaspora SaccoKenyans in the diaspora have formed Saccos, investing in property and business in Kenya.
Youth SaccosInitiatives to absorb the youth into the cooperative movement, promoting cooperatives as a development tool for economic and social transformation.
Matatu SaccosOrganizing matatu and bus operators into cooperatives for management and enforcement of discipline, contributing significantly to public transport and phasing out 14-seater vans.
Housing SaccosHousing cooperatives offering low-income earners access to affordable and decent housing, also investing in commercial buildings.
Education SaccosEncouraging savings and access to affordable credit for teachers and students.
overview of various SACCOS in Kenya and their respective functions and memberships.
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