The End of Edu-Afya: What High School Students & Parents Need to Know

  • Before December 31, the government helped high school students stay healthy by giving them medical insurance called ‘Edu-Afya.’
  • But, starting from December 31, this insurance suddenly stopped.

Why It Matters:

  • This change worries parents and teachers because they’re scared it might make it tough for students to get medical help.
  • They’re afraid that without this insurance, some students might not be able to afford important medical care.

What’s Next:

  • Now, parents and teachers are working hard to find other ways to keep students healthy.
  • They’re trying to come up with new plans to make sure all students stay safe and well, even without the insurance they had before.
  • So, the big problem is that the insurance that was helping high school students stay healthy is gone, and everyone is trying to find different ways to make sure students can still get the care they need.
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