Let’s start with a quick recap of where season 2 ended. After a slow start with season 1, its sequel picked up the pace and raised the stakes across the board. By the end of season 2, the Elvish stronghold of Eregion is wiped out (RIP Celebrimbor), and Elrond, Gil-galad, Galadriel, Arondir, and the rest of the survivors have hightailed it to a hidden oasis (which is pretty clearly the future spot for Rivendell).
The Elvish plight comes from their defeat at the hands of the rising Dark Lord Sauron, who killed Adar and seized his army in the finale. The Dwarves helped their Elvish counterparts escape annihilation in battle, but back in Khazad-dûm, they’ve lost their king, Durin III, to a Balrog, and their new king, Durin IV, faces external contenders to his throne and internal disruption from the Dwarven Rings of Power.
Meanwhile, in Rhûn in the East, the finale confirmed that the Stranger is a younger Gandalf. Nori and Poppy also left with the Stoors, presumably leading them to safety. They’re likely setting up the settling of the Shire here, but that isn’t one of my season 3 predictions. I think that’s coming later in the show, even if it doesn’t technically happen until well into the Third Age in the source material.
Elsewhere, on Numenor, the island nation of men is in turmoil as Míriel has been overpowered by her cousin, the newly crowned Ar-Pharazôn. Elendil has fled to find the Faithful, and Isildur and Kemen are making power plays in the Middle-earth colony of Pelargir.
The biggest development of season 2, though? Sauron is revealed. Like, really revealed. That means no more Annatar or Halbrand schticks. He is the Dark Lord incarnate with a home base in Mordor and an Orc army at his command. He has also distributed seven Rings of Power to the dwarves and has nine newly minted Rings of Power to hand out to Mortal Men Doomed to Die (more on that in a minute).
This is where things left off for season 2. So, where are things going next? Here are five predictions that I think are slam-dunk-certain to happen in season 3.
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