NBA opens offices in Busia, Kwale and Taita Taveta to enhance oversight on biotech crops » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya, Dec 14 — The National Biosafety Authority (NBA) has now opened three new offices to serve dealers in genetically modified organisms(GMOs) and their derived products.

The new offices are One Stop Border post (OSBP) at  Malaba in Busia County , Lunga Lunga in Kwale County  and Taveta, in Taita Taveta County.

Acting Chief Executive Officer Nehemiah Ngetich disclosed that already officers have been posted to the stations in order to serve Kenyans.

“Yes, the three offices are now operational. We now have six offices that also include, Mombasa,Busia and Namanga,” said Ngetich adding that the move will ensure that no GMOs and their derived products enter the Country without the approval of the Authority.

In November, High Court dismissed a case against lift of a ban on GMOs and their derived products re-affirming   the Cabinet decision that lifted the ban on GMOs of 3rd October 2022 that Kenya has a robust legal and institutional framework to regulate GMOs.

He disclosed that the Country has about 24 entry points and therefore need for more resources to hire atleast 48 officers to  man the borders.

Safe biotech crops

The Authority  has the mandate to facilitate  approvals of safe biotech crops, animal breeds that are resistant to pests and diseases leading  to increased food production.

He disclosed that the  Authority is now seeking review of the Biosafety Act to cover emerging technologies related to GMOs such as genome editing, gene-drives technologies, synthetic biology, biosecurity and pharmaceuticals.

 The Authority has since  assured  Kenyans in general of the safety of the GMOs and their derived products in the Country.

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The Authority has already approved the commercialization of Bt Cotton, which has been in cultivation since 2020 and no adverse effects have been noted or reported through, the Authority’s monitoring and surveillance system.

He said  Kenyan  has  a well-established legal, regulatory and institutional framework which provides for streamlined processes for persons dealing in GMOs and their derived products in the Country.

Ngetich the framework outlines specific application requirements, safety assessment procedures and monitoring mechanisms which align to Kenya’s commitment to food safety, environmental protection and the socio-economic wellbeing of its citizens.

The Authority’s cope includes; genetically modified plants, genetically modified Animals, animal inputs including veterinary vaccines and genetically modified micro-organisms.

Ngetich observed that the Authority, has mandate to exercise general supervision and control over the transfer, handling and use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) with a view of ensuring safety of human and animal health and provision of adequate level of protection of the environment.

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